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Modeling Selection   Transform
UVW Tools Texturing Various
Version 4.0 features!

UVW Tools:

UVW Tweak


Tweak the UVW mapping on your model directly in the viewport.

Tools for working in the Unwrap UVW editor.
UV Lineup
UV Stitch
GrowLoop/ShrinkLoop GrowRing

SelectionToUVW - Set the current selection in the baseobject in the Unwrap
UVW editor. Polygon/Vertex/Edge support.

SelectionToBase - Set the current selection in the Unwrap UVW editor in the
baseobject. Polygon/Vertex/Edge support.

Go to the Videos section of the website to view videos of the tools in action.

Go here to view a list of all the featured tools in PolyBoost.

Available for download is also the PolyBoost user-reference with more extensive
descriptions of the tools and interface: Download

Some notes about the tools:
PolyBoost will work in 3ds max versions 5 - 9, 2008 and 2009. Most of the tools work on all subobjectlevels, so it's one tool for all modes. UVW-mapping is kept
intact for all the modeling tools and work with modifiers in the stack. Many tools
have an optional functionality when the shift key is pressed. This will either apply
the tool on the current selection only, or do another variation of the tool. Shortcuts
are available for all tools that do not require an interface in order to be useful. The
PolyBoost main interface, where all tools can be found is always available by
shortcut key or from a quadmenu.